Freelance Specialists in Ticket Resale
Top Rated Plus Freelance Agency for Ticket Brokers
Virtual Freelance Services for Ticket Brokers
We provide Freelance virtual assistance to ticket brokers and resellers in continental United States & Canada of all sizes with the resources they need to be successful.
Whether you are just starting a ticket broker business, or already sold thousands of tickets, we can help you take that next step in elevating your business by providing experienced freelance virtual assistance.
We have 15+ experienced & dedicated team members specialized in Ticket Resale Business providing various services to Small & Top 10 Ticket Brokers in United States over 10+ years.
Our Specialized Services:
SkyBox POS by Vividseats
We have 10+ years experience is working with SkyBox & all its functionalities such as ticket listings, Speculative listings, Auto PO, Manual PO, vivid pricing, Broadcasting to multiple exchanges, Order fulfilling, syncing real tickets with SeatScouts / TicketDownloader & working with many more SkyBox reporting.
Ticket Pricing
Excellent knowledge of pricing tickets manually using vivid pricing as well as various automated pricing tools such as Event Watcher, AutoPricer, Ticket-Logic, Broker Genius & Uptick. Expertise in advance pricing by making pricing rules by picking up various options & compete with other brokers listings.
Ticketmaster Purchasing
We have a super technical knowledge of purchasing tickets from Ticketmaster figuring out their various security blocks such as captcha, Limit Exceed Error”, Bad Proxies, City specific billing & many more. We are expertise with tricks & methods of maintaining TM accounts & creating new phone verified TM accounts.
Ticket Presales
Over 10+ years experience in pulling high demanding prime seats through exclusive presales. Better understanding on presale waiting rooms & signup for presale codes & pre ready on the sale day. Super knowledge of selecting hot selling seats from the seat maps of 100 thousands of various Amphitheaters, Stadiums, Arenas & Theatres.
Multisession Browsers
We have experience working with various multisession browsers & Proxies such as Insomniac, BrowserJet, SessionBox, TickOps & StubTabs. Our technical knowledge of working with various proxy providers & integrate with browsers will increase the maximum purchasing power in the peak times.
Credit Cards / Billing
Knowledge of maintaining various major & virtual credit cards platforms such as Embers, Divvy, TradeShifts, Global Rewards, Citi virtuals & many other. Over 10 years we have kept the trust on our brokers for managing their 1000s of major & virtual credit cards & bank accounts with high security.
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Top Rated+ Upwork Agency
Upwork has excited to announce that our agency has just received Top Rated Plus status..
Our new status highlights our success on large or longer-term contracts which builds our reputation over 4 million of clients all around the world. We are currently serving two large scale ticket brokers, one medium scale & few startup brokers. We are still continuing the long term relationship with them over 10+ years.
Total Earnings – $1 Million +
Total Jobs – 75+
Total Hours Served – 55000
Number of Employees – 15
USA Branch
Remote International Contractors (Pvt) Ltd is a Sri Lankan registered BPO company. We have recently opened our branch in Delaware United States as Remote International Inc., We are one of the top rated plus Upwork Agency who provides virtual freelance services to ticket brokers. We are serving small to large scale ticket brokers over 10 years in continental United States & Canada & a leading and a reputed Presale Codes seller which 1000+ ticket brokers trusted over 10 years.

Our Expertized Platforms: